Sep 10Liked by Sophie Norris-Wagstaff

I adore your writing! I am in a different part of the world, but I could see and feel early Autumn in England through your writing. Thank you for the poem- I have never read it before and it is wonderful.

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Thank you Patti, I am glad my writing style translates to other parts of the world, and that you enjoyed it so much. I really appreciate your comment.

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Sep 14Liked by Sophie Norris-Wagstaff

Your autumn is similar to ours on the west coast of Canada. A very in-between season that tends to last quite awhile. Thank you for sharing your lovely writing.

"Could-do list" is so much better than "should-do"!

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Sep 11Liked by Sophie Norris-Wagstaff

“Could-do list” — brilliant! So much better than a “Must-do list”. Adventure awaits the one. Heavily weighted anxiety the other.

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Lovely to read the Keats again 🌿 I was born in Winchester, and I spent many happy childhood hours in Hampshire, and all these years on, that poem still evokes those times, even in the 1980s.

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Thank you David, I'm glad to have triggered some happy memories. Winchester is a beautiful area.

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